Workshop & Seminar Testimonials 

“Given me the ability/insight to realise I can” 
Jill Yates, Birmingham 
“Looking forward to putting everything learnt today into practice ” 
Doris Oldfield, Manchester 
“Well spoken & well presented” 
Sarah Forbes, Edinburgh 
“Never done anything like this before” 
Clare Noble, Birmingham 
“Made me think more about how what I say/do will affect my colleagues” 
Graham Thompson, 
“The workshop was not so much food for thought as a banquet of stimulating ideas.” 
“Want to get out there and make things happen” 
Glyn Horton, 
JCB Excavators 
“Having been on the first workshop I knew it would make me feel good, positive & excited.” 
Diana Robinson, Sheffield 
Kathleen Connor, Hyder 
Consulting Ltd, Edinburgh 
"Richard not smarmy! - Relaxed presenter" 
Michelle Murphy, Dundas & 
Wilson Solicitors, Glasgow 
"Expanded my horizons" 
Mandy Young, 
Burness Solicitors, 
“Very approachable, funny, excellent day with different teaching styles and techniques” 
Rebecca Cosh, Birmingham 
“Interactive – Theory linked to practical application” Clare Bryce-Stephen, 
NHS Trust. 
“The workshop showed me how to change my thought processes to my advantage. Richard was very informative, easy to listen to and relatable” 
Paul Fletcher, Birmingham 
“Fun, interactive” 
Helen Parry, Birmingham 
“Breaking the wood was incredible, I focused at the vital moment!” 
A. Smith, NHS. 
“Catered for all levels in the group” 
Debby Carter, Birmingham 
"Easy going, relaxed style" 
Alex Devanny, 
Ness Gallagher & Co 
Solicitors, Wishaw 
“I have some better ideas on dealing with and motivating people - There was no time to get bored - He was able to put himself in our place” 
Peter O’Donoghue, 
“A major confidence boost” Andy Thompson, 
“Understandable, entertaining, informative and approachable” 
Julia Savage. 
“Easy Going, but serious stuff” Richard Ellis, 
“Positive attitude and knowledge base of trainer helped – Thanks” 
Bernadette Bateman. 
“Helped when struggling” 
Debra Gallaway, Housing 
Association, Edinburgh 
"Great pointers for application in a practical situation" 
Owen Vickers, 
Norwich Union, Perth 
"Helped by understanding why and how others work" 
Sally McKenzie 
Lawford Kidd Solicitors, 
“Informal & friendly – very professional” 
Christine Bates, Transco. 
"This has given me fresh motivation to implement changes. You clarified points well." 
“Friendly – Helping to learn rather than teaching” 
Paul Adams, Sema GP