Build a Winning Attitude & Self-Esteem 
(At the end of this workshop you will punch through a block of wood by the power of your new confidence!) 
Life is all about growth & challenging ourselves - & what better than the ultimate challenge, our own true self. Has your energy level, confidence, trust or belief in yourself ever let you down? Then, this could be the workshop for you. Self-esteem is the way you see you. It’s the way you talk to yourself, react to people and situations around you. We conjure up a picture of ourselves in basically either a state of success or failure in the pursuit we are about to take. This workshop will... 
Show how to build you own confidence, & self-esteem 
Show how your self-image affects your attitude 
Explain methods for controlling your thinking 
Help you to discover why good people can fail 
Teach you how to uncover and smash your own self-made obstacles, limiting values, and beliefs 
Demonstrate how to believe in yourself 
Explain what self-esteem is and how it works 
Uncover the history of your self-image 
However, the real challenge of the day is at the end. The day ends with the final challenge of “Board Breaking”. This is a one inch thick, 8”x10” block of wood, which after careful coaching is broken using only your hand. This is mainly a mental challenge rather than a pure physical challenge and sums up the day giving you a chance to put into practice what you have learnt. 
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How To Be A Success – Goal Setting 
The Art of Goal Setting - Planning For Personal Success 
Getting more of what you want and not just more of the same can be a life long ambition for most people. So what makes some able and others not? This workshop helps you to uncover some of the simple but powerful techniques used by the successful people we see around us everyday. 
Learn effective goal setting and understand the minefield of pitfalls 
Uncover how the successful mind makes positive habits then learn how to do it for yourself 
Discover how to find and break your negative chains 
Learn how successful people use the power of words 
Learn how to make the new you gel and stick 
See the problems and effects caused when feelings and actions don’t match 
Discover how to multiply energy - without extra work 
Replace negative chains with successful ones 
Learn how to break away from other people’s choices 
Put order into your life and avoid chaos 
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How To Make Friends & Influence People 
How To Attract Your Ideal Partner - How To Get People To Say ‘Yes’ To You - How To Win Your Arguments 
An exciting day of discovery and fun, whilst improving your communication skills ten-fold. This workshop is a practical event with lots of group exercises so you will get to meet and learn about other participants. It’s a relaxed day with lots of discussions and fun exercises. 
This is a discovery of how real people like you and me value what is around us, and what motivates us. Knowing this, or even having an educated insight gives you the ability to choose the best response to get the result you want - the best result, win, win. 
• Understand what motivates you and what motivates others at work, leisure, & home. • Discover your own personality strengths and weaknesses & then how to develop them 
• How to communicate with people who just don’t seem to be on your wave length • Will show you how to get out of sticky confrontation situations & turn it into collaboration 
• Complete you own in-depth personality questionnaire • Discover what makes your ideal partner 
• How to get people to say “Yes” to your ideas • How to deal with difficult personalities 
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Introducing NLP - Power Communication 
(Neuro Linguistic Programming) 
You’ve heard the name – you may have seen the results in someone you know, now is your chance to feel what its like! NLP is about modelling excellence, about understanding how to integrate whatever you want into your life. Come with a characteristic or behaviour that you admire to play with and model during the day. The results can be truly amazing! 
• You will learn all about controlling your state • Use emotional state modelling 
• Use physical state modelling • Learn the right type of questions that get results 
• Demonstrate ability to use language and phrasing to motivate and communicate • Understand what truly generates a compelling goal and learn to enrich your own and others visions 
• How to get people to say “Yes” to your ideas • Get a chance to try out the principles in real-time 
This course is aimed at people who have no knowledge of NLP who want to explore a range of communication techniques to enhance their relationship with others and with themselves. An exciting programme of fine-tuning performance through discovery and fun. Participants will improve their communication skills ten-fold. This course is a practical event with lots of group exercises whilst maintaining a relaxed approach with lots of discussions and fun exercises. Accelerated learning techniques will be used throughout the programme. Participants will learn how to model the excellence. 
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Master Memory 
The benefits of a great memory and recall are well known. Your personal life, your relationships, your business all will benefit profoundly. This is an exciting day of discovery and fun, whilst improving your memory skills ten-fold. This workshop is a practical event with lots of exercises. 
Do you want to remember all those names of the other Spice members at events and parties, at work, and meeting new friends? 
Do you want to amaze yourself and friends as your memory improves with age!? 
Well this workshop is different! You physically get involved – and have fun! 
There are lots of different methods for you to try – so you will be sure to find a method to suit your individual particular style of learning and remembering! 
Do you want to remember all your important phone numbers, and throw away all those scraps of paper? 
Tried it all before? – Never worked! 
You will take away with you the principles for a life-long-lasting memory. 
Can you afford not to try this one? 
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Money Management - How To Get Rich 
Mmmmhh interesting! Learn how the rich get rich - how the poor stay poor. 
This is a workshop like no other. There is ‘education’ in them there hills - its all about money and the big picture! The stuff they didn’t (but should have) taught us at school. You will never look at yourself in the same light again. This workshop will start with the basic elements of how 80% of the population look at it all wrong. You will then move into identifying what your current personal status is and what the picture could look like if you repeat the cycles. Then you will get the opportunity to see how the other half (well actually only a very small %) do it. To put the philosophy into practice you will then get a chance to play out what you have learnt in a game of life – but with an educated financial twist that would have your bank manager wanting to know more! 
Its all good fun and incredibly enlightening.